Thanks Craig.


At the risk of straying from the subject a bit--I am curious about the JSF bean lifecycle management and why the current strategy was chosen. In the EJB lifecycle, the container manages a pool of scope-agnostic beans that are brought into session on use. The reason for this choice (apart from service interception), I assume, is to obviate the creation (and gc) overhead of new EJBs.


Is there a particular reason that JSF doesn’t take this approach (with a jsfActivate() and jsfPassivate() to replace constructor/finalizer semantics)? Isnt the creation/gc overhead of a webapp equal to (or greater) than an EJB app (considering that a page could be requested many more times than EJB calls that it subsequently generates)? I believe that other web frameworks (like Jakarta Tapestry) take the pooled bean approach.


Are there any plans in future JSF releases to adopt something like this? I would strongly endorse it as a JSF and myfaces user; our beans are already taking significant performance hits due to the complex nature of the business logic, any help from the stack would be helpful.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Craig McClanahan
Sent: Monday, 26 June 2006 10:16 AM
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: Re: managed properties

I choose scope for a managed bean just like as for any other bean in a Java based webapp ... if the information is specific to a user but longer lived than a single request, I use session scope.  Otherwise, I generally use request scope to avoid multiple instantiations of the same bean.

Spring 1.x didn't support "request" or "session" scope directly ... I'm glad to see they are adding a way to do that in 2.x.





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