
The reason is tricky actually, when a component that extends from UISelectOne is validated, the local value of the component is checked to figure out whether this value is in the selectitems list or not. If not then the value is not valid.



On 7/3/06, Steven Peacock <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
It has evolved into an Integer.
My original code was :

<h:selectOneMenu id="projMgr" value="#{ProjectBean.project.organizationPeople.peopleId}" >

which eventually maps back to my HIbernate stuff.
I thought I'd simplify it and just see if I could get the integer value back into the Bean, so I added the projectManager to the ProjectBean as an Integer to reduce the layers for errors.



On Mon, 2006-07-03 at 15:06 -0400, Neuman, Ben J., A&M IRM wrote:
is ProjectBean.projectManager an instance of OrganizationPeople or Integer?

[Neuman, Ben J., A&M IRM] 
 -----Original Message-----
From: Steven Peacock [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, July 03, 2006 2:22 PM
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: Value is not a valid option on a selectOneMenu

I am having a problem that is vexing me, and I can't seem to find a reference to exactly what I am experiencing.

I have a jsp with the following code:

<h:outputLabel for="" styleClass="label" >
   <h:outputText value="#{bundle.projManagerLabel}" />
<h:selectOneListbox id="projMgr" value="#{ProjectBean.projectManager}" >
   <f:convertNumber integerOnly="true" />
      <f:selectItems value ="#{ProjectBean.projectManagerSelectList}"/>
<h:message for="" />

The code for the select item method is:

public List getProjectManagerSelectList () {
   List potentialManagers = projectControl.getProjectManagerList();
   Iterator managerList = potentialManagers.iterator();
   List selectItemTypes = new ArrayList();
   while (managerList.hasNext()) {
      OrganizationPeople managerType = (OrganizationPeople) managerList.next();
      selectItemTypes.add(new SelectItem(managerType.getPeopleId(),managerType.getPersonFirstName() + " " + managerType.getPersonLastName()));
The managerType.getPeopleId() returns an Integer.

The html page displays properly, and I get a nice drop down to select the project manager. If I look at the source code, I see what looks like a good select list. A sample of one of the lines is here:
<option value="22" selected="selected">John Doe</option>

But when I submit my form, I get:

"projMgr": Value is not a valid option.

I am using myfaces-all.jar that indicates it is a 1.1.1 and deployed on Tomcat via MyEclipse.


Steven Peacock

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