might help.

Michael Heinen wrote:
> Hi all,
> One of my backingBeans contains a method that returns a file for download.
> This is working fine and the standard Open/Save/Cancel box pops up. No
> problem.
> In addition I display always a "work on progress message" with a
> javascript call when my form is submitted (onSubmit).
> The problem is now that I don't know how to disable this message again
> when the file is ready for download.
> There is no event on which I can react in the browser. The original page
> is not reloaded (and should not be reloaded).
> Can I use a second jsp which calls the showOriginalDocument action and
> does a javascript call in the parent window (or openener)?
> Does anybody have an idea?
> JSP:
> <h:commandLink action="#{MyBean.showOriginalDocument}" immediate="true">
>    <t:graphicImage url="/images/out.jpg" />
> </h:commandLink>
> BackingBean:
> public void showOriginalDocument() {
>             ..
>             NativeDocument nativeDocument =
> this.delegate.getOriginalDocument(this.document.getDocumentId());
>             HttpServletResponse response =
> (HttpServletResponse)facesContext.getExternalContext().getResponse();
>             response.setContentType(nativeDocument.getMimeType());
> response.setHeader("Content-Disposition","attachment;filename=\""+ 
> this.document.getAttribute("docnumber")+nativeDocument.getSuffix() + "\"");
>             response.setContentLength(nativeDocument.getDocument().length);
>             OutputStream responseStream =
> ((HttpServletResponse)facesContext.getExternalContext().getResponse()).getOutputStream();
>             responseStream.write(nativeDocument.getDocument());
>             response.flushBuffer();
>             facesContext.responseComplete();
> Michael

Dave Brondsema
Software Developer
Cornerstone University

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