On Tue, 11 Jul 2006 09:34:03 -0700
"Matthias Wessendorf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > and jira is not that user friendly, I'm posting this here.
> jira is not what ?
well I somehow prefer bugzilla :)
> > The question of the original poster stays:
> > "So, my question is where can I find the corresponding source code
> > to MyFaces Core 1.1.3?"
> > It seems that 3 months after this question was posted the only
> > possible reply is still - from svn.
> nope, we have them also on continuum.
> MyFaces 1.1.4 is about to be release (with source).
> See the dev list on that
> > Now some could argue that this is just fine, but having pkged
> > source is at least helpfull in some situation - it is easier to
> > obtain, it helps the distribution packagers, it serves as
> > reference, it really shows that the pkg could be built from that
> > source, and of course not to forget that this is OSS project (what
> > about apache doing only bin-release and saying you could get the
> > source from svn).
> source release is common too! was only b/c of our maven2 switch.
> sorry
> -Matt
Thanks for the explanation and the fast reply, it is my fault, that I haven't searched hard enough :) the google has shown me the thread, which I pointed out in my original post and jira has bugs only about the examples not being available from the web-site.
Gergan Penkov

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