Hi Matthias,

Sorry for the crossposting. Below are the questions/replies I still have in good order.
Could you help clearing the fog with me?

1/ Can you try that *example* from the dojo page?
-- If you mean this: http://wiki.apache.org/myfaces/WYSIWYG_Editor , this is what I had tried already - If you want me to tyry smth else, let me know, I'll be glad to help. If you measn from somewhere in the examples jar: I haven't found the sandbox examples and in the Toma ex's I found, only the defectuous t:inputHTML tag is shown.

2/ If I follow the advice you given here: http://wiki.apache.org/ myfaces/StreamingAddResource, should I *remove* the adjustments I got from http:// myfaces.apache.org/tomahawk/extensionsFilter.html and only add this extra context par from streaming resource? (i.e. are they mutual exclusive or should I leave both the declaration of the extentionfilter (from "add res") & the different page tags + ctx par (from streaming res) Pardon if this is a stupid qustion, but I just don't know what it does, even less what the diference between these 2 options would be and (by consequence) whether I should choose or apply them both... (??)

3/ After following the advice from http://wiki.apache.org/myfaces/ StreamingAddResource, my page navogation is broke.To the URL is just added a # (e.g. http://localhost:8080/page1 becomes http://localhost: 8080/page1# after clicking a button to navgate to a different page, instead of actually going there) Btw if you're developing the "t:documentBody", it would be very welcome should it also accept the "style" attribute.

Thanks again for help Matthias!

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