Hi Cyrille,  
You can go Further with
Spring + JSF + Hybernate + WebServices
They shall fullfill your application requirement easily
You can use IOC from Spring and Hybernate Compatibilty for Database Connectivity from Spring
For UI use JSF My Faces.
For Build Use Maven
Use can even use portlets from WebLogic
Even I'm Looking to create a new web applictaion using these technologies
Do You have some alertnatives or some design which you have created, Please mail me if you have some
Kapil K

On 7/19/06, Cyrille37 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

There are few projects around JSF that make me lost. I've to make a
choice to start the study of a future project, it's time for me to
select technologies.

At first, I've to choice a Application Framework. Choices are Spring,
Then a GUI Framework. Here is my problem, JSF is in spotlight so looks
to be a good choice, but there are several projects and I could not make
my choice.

Have you got an opinion which could light me ??
Thanks you very much.

Kapil kataria

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