If you are using Trinidad, you should download the latest sources to
use JSCookMenu.



Hello All,

I have set up a JSCookMenu to display a Navigation menu but when I click on
a menu item my navigation is ignored and I am returned to the current page.
When I view the source I get the following :-

<form id="mainMenuForm" name="mainMenuForm" method="post"

<script type="text/javascript"><!--
 var mainMenuForm_menu_menu =
 [[null, 'Monitoring', 'mainMenuForm_menu_menu:action1',
'linkDummyForm', null,[null, 'Main',
'mainMenuForm_menu_menu:mainmenu', 'linkDummyForm', null],
 [null, 'File Status', 'mainMenuForm_menu_menu:action1_2',
'linkDummyForm', null],
 [null, 'Timelines', 'mainMenuForm_menu_menu:action1_3',
'linkDummyForm', null],
 [null, 'Admin Messages',
'mainMenuForm_menu_menu:action1_4', 'linkDummyForm', null];
//--></script><div id="mainMenuForm_menu_menu">

I have looked at the current example (snapshot 1.1.5) and  when I view the
source the linkDummyForm is replaced with the current formId (_idJsp0) :-

<form id="_idJsp0" name="_idJsp0" method="post"

<script type="text/javascript"><!--
var idJsp0__idJsp1_menu =
[[null, 'Home',
'_idJsp0', null],
[null, 'Home',
'_idJsp0', null],
[null, 'Examples', null, '_idJsp0', null,[null, 'Sample 1',
'idJsp0__idJsp1_menu:A]go_sample1', '_idJsp0', null],
['<img src="images/myfaces.gif"/>', 'Sample 2',
'idJsp0__idJsp1_menu:A]go_sample2', '_idJsp0', null],
['<img src="images/myfaces.gif"/>', 'Validations',
'idJsp0__idJsp1_menu:A]go_validate', '_idJsp0', null],
_cmSplit,['<img src="images/component.gif"/>', 'Components', null,
'_idJsp0', null,['<img src="images/myfaces.gif"/>', 'Sortable Table',
'idJsp0__idJsp1_menu:A]go_sortTable', '_idJsp0', null],
['<img src="images/myfaces.gif"/>', 'Selectboxes',
'idJsp0__idJsp1_menu:A]go_selectbox', '_idJsp0', null],
['<img src="images/myfaces.gif"/>', 'File upload',
'idJsp0__idJsp1_menu:A]go_fileupload', '_idJsp0', null],
['<img src="images/myfaces.gif"/>', 'Tabbed Pane',
'idJsp0__idJsp1_menu:A]go_tabbedPane', '_idJsp0', null],
_cmSplit,['<img src="images/myfaces.gif"/>', 'Calendar',
'idJsp0__idJsp1_menu:A]go_calendar', '_idJsp0', null],
_cmSplit,['<img src="images/myfaces.gif"/>', 'Popup',
'idJsp0__idJsp1_menu:A]go_popup', '_idJsp0', null],
['<img src="images/myfaces.gif"/>', 'Date',
'idJsp0__idJsp1_menu:A]go_date', '_idJsp0', null],
['<img src="images/myfaces.gif"/>', 'Html Editor',
'idJsp0__idJsp1_menu:A]go_inputHtml', '_idJsp0', null],
['<img src="images/myfaces.gif"/>', 'Tree2',
'idJsp0__idJsp1_menu:A]go_tree2', '_idJsp0', null],
['<img src="images/myfaces.gif"/>', 'Tree Table',
'idJsp0__idJsp1_menu:A]go_treeTable', '_idJsp0', null],
['<img src="images/myfaces.gif"/>', 'DataScroller',
'idJsp0__idJsp1_menu:A]go_datascroller', '_idJsp0', null],
['<img src="images/myfaces.gif"/>', 'Stylesheet',
'idJsp0__idJsp1_menu:A]go_css', '_idJsp0', null],
['<img src="images/myfaces.gif"/>', 'Newspaper Table',
'idJsp0__idJsp1_menu:A]go_newspaperTable', '_idJsp0',
[null, 'Apache MyFaces Home',
'_idJsp0', null]];
//--></script><div id="idJsp0__idJsp1_menu"></div>
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
        if(window.cmDraw!=undefined) { cmDraw ('idJsp0__idJsp1_menu',
idJsp0__idJsp1_menu, 'hbr', cmThemeOffice, 'ThemeOffice');}

Can anyone shed some light on why linkDummyForm is being used instead of my

Many Thanks



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