Look this for instructions about how use JSF to create Portlets:


2006/7/31, Rogerio Pereira < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
I think u are starting to use JSF for portlet development in wrong way, your backing beans doensn't need extends from FacesPortlet.

2006/7/31, Nicolas Kalkhof < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
hi folks,

is there a way to serialize a formbean(backingbean) using the myfaces portlet brigde? i need to validate input values during a tabbed pane switch. so far the TabChangeListener seems to fire on every tab switch but the backingbean cannot be serialized and therefore i cannot access the input fields when the TabChangeListener fires.

or is there another way to accomplish this????

so far i wasnŽt successful using:

public class UserProfileBean extends FacesPortlet implements Serializable, TabChangeListener {

org.apache.portals.bridges.jsf.PortletExternalContextImpl is not serializable.

any help is very much apprechiated.

best regards,
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