>Aha!  Now I see what your issue is.   Before, I thought your hidden
>component was enclosed in a <h:column>, and I couldn't understand why
>you needed to change the row index.    If you're only working within a
>row, then by doing this, you'd avoid having to mess around with
>setting the row index.

>Obviously, if you're validating across rows, then you'll need to do it
>as you stated above. 

I'm glad you wrote - you just saved me bunches of coding time. Indeed, if I
have the hidden component within the <h:column>, then I don't need to set
the row index. 

My original struggle was where to bind the row UIInputs and the validation
method - the solution is on the overall page backing bean, not on the row
backing bean. 


Here are the relevant code changes:


<h:dataTable id="names" value="#{play.nameBBList}" var="name">
    <h:inputText id="first" value="#{name.first}" maxlength="10" size="10"
binding="#{play.firstInput}" />
    <h:inputText id="last" value="#{name.last}" maxlength="10" size="10"
binding="#{play.lastInput}" />
     <h:inputHidden id="datacheck" validator="#{play.validateNames}"

PlayBB.java:  (no need to access UIData)

public class PlayBB {
  private UIInput firstInput;
  private UIInput lastInput;

  private List<NameBB> nameBBList=new ArrayList<NameBB>();

  public PlayBB(){ }
  public int getNumberOfNames() { return nameBBList.size();  }
  public List<NameBB> getNameBBList() { return nameBBList;}

  public String addNames() { ...   }

  public void setFirstInput(UIInput firstInput) {
this.firstInput=firstInput; }
  public UIInput getFirstInput() {return firstInput; }
  public void setLastInput(UIInput lastInput) { this.lastInput=lastInput; }
  public UIInput getLastInput() {return lastInput; }

  public void validateNames(FacesContext context, UIComponent toValidate,
Object value) throws ValidatorException {
    // Now do validation comparing firstInput.getValue() and
    // lastInput.getValue()


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