I am trying to use the commons validator framework within my JSP/JSF project. I have tomahawk configured with the Sun's JSF 1.1 reference implementation.
The validateEmail tag works great; however, I cannot get the validateUrl to work no matter what I try. I found different examples and documentation re: the validateUrl tag use in JSP. For example, a working validateEmail example is this: <%@ taglib uri="http://myfaces.apache.org/tomahawk" prefix="t"%> ... <h:inputText id="email2" value="#{validateForm.email2}" required="true"> <t:validateEmail /> </h:inputText> The MyFaces source code has a validateUrl tag example with a prefix of s and I have found it documented on apache's website with prefix of x (http://myfaces.apache.org/tomahawk/validateUrl.html). I have tried all of these different syntaxes... <t:validateUrl/> <s:validateUrl/> <x:validateUrl/> <f:validator validatorId="org.myfaces.validator.Url" /> I cannot get any of these url validation tag syntaxes to work. The t, s, x prefix syntax gives no error and just seems to be ignored. When I try the validatorId syntax, I get an exception that the id does not exist. I looked in the jar files (tomahawk-1.1.3.jar and commons-validator-1.3.0.jar) and notice that UrlValidator class is there, but a Tag class and validate*.js are not in the jar files, like they are for the email Validator (validateEmail.js and ValidateEqualTag.class). The jar files I have currently in use are: tomahawk-1.1.3.jar commons-validator-1.3.0.jar commons-beanutils.jar jakarta-oro-2.0.8.jar I looked through the MyFacces message archives and see that there were some issues with MyFaces 1.1.1, but am unsure of the status of this validateUrl currently in the latest release. Can anyone tell me how to use urlValidator in my jsp pages and what jar file I might be missing OR can anyone tell me if it is just not supported anymore? Thanks. Rich