Mike, thanks for the example.

I tried it but I'm seeing these results...

When I put the mouse over a column that has a popup tag,
a small empty component (with tiny scrollbars) appears next to
the mouse, and the text associated with the popup appears
separately to the right of the mouse, overlaying the text in another
column.  The text has no border, maybe just spaces around it.
The text and tiny scrollable field do move with the mouse.

Have you seen/heard of this behavior?

The text must belong in the empty component, but how does it get there?

And does the popup field *have* to have scrollbars?  It ought to be
just a box.

Thanks again for your help.

             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                          To 
             om>                       "MyFaces Discussion"                
             09/08/2006 12:44                                           cc 
                                       Re: does anyone have sample code    
             Please respond to         for a tooltip-like display?         
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                             

Here's an example of displaying the first value in a list for a
column, and then using t:popup to display an entire list of values on
hover.   jstl:length() is only available if you're using facelets,
though.  I've manually edited this page code to provide a simpler
example, so hopefully I didn't introduce a typo.


<f:facet name="header">

<h:outputText value="Name"/>


       rendered="#{(itemList != null) and (0 != jstl:length(itemList))}"

       value="#{itemList[0].name}" />
                                                 <t:popup id="namePopup"

       rendered="#{1 lt jstl:length(itemList)}"


="10" >

                   style="color: green;"

                   value=" [#{jstl:length(itemList)}]" />
                                                     <f:facet name="popup">




             <h:outputText value="#{item.name}" />

             <t:htmlTag value="br" />


> I have a list that is populated from a dataTable.
> data in several columns (outputText) is truncated by the backing bean
> to help keep the overall list within an area.
> I'd like to display the full data in a column when the user moves the
> over a column with truncated data.
> I've been looking at onmouseover and t:popup but don't have a clue
> on how these could be used to display the full data.
> Can anyone offer a piece of code or a reference to some code that does
> this?
> Thanks for your help
> Tom
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