I need to store some values on an action and open a new page displaying something in accordance with the values saved. Is there any workaround to accomplish this?

Thanks for replying.

On 9/28/06, Andrew Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
When you redirect to a new page, the bound component should not travel
to the new view with you, so it should make sense that the component
binding is now null and if you tried to access it, it would be
created. I am not 100% sure of what is going on, but that is my best

On 9/27/06, Aneesha Govil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Here is some more information:
> My backing bean is also the action listener..
> public class Form implements ActionListener
> It constructs the datatable in java code and uses component binding. Each
> row has a detail button that is coded as:
> //Add detail column
> column = new UIColumn();
>  UIOutput header = new UIOutput();
> header.setValue("Detail");
>  column.setHeader(header);
> HtmlCommandButton detailButton = new HtmlCommandButton();
> detailButton.addActionListener(this);
> detailButton.setValue ("Detail");
> column.getChildren().add(detailButton);
>  datatable.getChildren().add(column);
> The processAction(ActionEvent anEvent) sets a String[] and opens the detail
> page:
> public void processAction(ActionEvent anEvent) throws
> AbortProcessingException {
>     UIComponent tmpComponent = anEvent.getComponent ();
>     while (null != tmpComponent && !(tmpComponent instanceof UIData)) {
>             tmpComponent = tmpComponent.getParent();
>      }
>     if (tmpComponent != null && (tmpComponent instanceof UIData)) {
>         Object tmpRowData = ((UIData) tmpComponent).getRowData();
>          if (tmpRowData instanceof String[]) {
>             detail = (String[]) tmpRowData;
>              if (detail != null) {
>                 try {
> FacesContext.getCurrentInstance ().getExternalContext().redirect("detail.faces");
>                 }
>                  catch (IOException ex) {
> System.err.println("IOException"+ex.getMessage());
>                     System.err.println(ex.getStackTrace());
>                  }
>             }
>         }
>      }
> }
> Now when the detail.jsp opens, it gives a null pointer exception because
> String[] detail is null again.
> Can anyone help me figure out what is being done wrong here?
> Please help.
> Thanks
> On 9/27/06, Aneesha Govil < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have a simple usecase as follows:
> >
> > 1. Use a dropdown to select a table
> > 2. Display some table data with "detail" button. On clicking the detail
> button, store the row information and redirect to detail page.
> > 3. Display the data that was stored in step 2.
> >
> > I am using an ActionListener for the detail button that stores the row
> data. I have debugged this, it gets stored. However, after redirect the data
> is wiped out, the property is null again. I am using another propery to
> create HtmlPanelGroup in java code. This also gets reinitialized. Strangely,
> all other properties of the bean remain intact.
> >
> > Can anyone help with this?
> > I can provide the source code and whatever information is required. This
> seems like a really weird problem. Why aren't other values wiped out?
> >
> > Please help!
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Aneesha
> >

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