
Here is what I am trying to achieve:  display a tree2, when I click on
a node (a commandLink), its style changes by evaluating
#{t.nodeSelected?'selectedStyle':'notSelectedStyle'}, and it will also
invoke an actionListener at the backing bean to do more stuff

But the problem is that everytime, t.nodeSelected evaluates to false.
By looking at the sample code, it seems as if the nodeSelected must be
set manually.

In the sample code provided on the wiki, the code explicitly does
t.setNodeSelected as the actionListener of the commandLink; but i
cannot do that because as I said earlier, the actionListener is
reserved to invoke a method at the backing bean.

So my question is, is there a way to set the t.nodeSelected while also
does what I need to do?  Please help. Thanks.

Standing Bear Has Spoken

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