Hi Niklas,

I suppose you could pass an attribute into your facelets-component like this:

<myns:mycomp id="test"/>

and then use this id as a name for the msg:

<f:loadBundle var="#{id}"/>

not tested, not guaranteed to work ;)



On 11/6/06, Niklas Ekman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm using MyFaces 1.1.4 and Facelets 1.1.11. I've created a main web
application project. I've also created a component library project where I
want to place custom components.

The problem I have is that I get a resource bundle clash. In a component I
declare a resource bundle with <f:loadBundle basename=" component.messages"
var="msg" />. It works very well in itself. But when I include the component
on a page with the tag <f:loadBundle basename="app.messages" var="msg" /> I
get a bundle clash. I read the specs and it says that the <f:loadBundle/>
places the resource bundle in a bean with the request scope. I suspect that
the component and the page share the same bean "space". So the problem I
have is, how can I have unique resource bundles in my components?

Best regards,




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