Is there any way through which, depending on tabIndices.portfolioTabIndex, I can include the appropriate jsp.
On 11/15/06, K. Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The rendered attribute is processed at render-time. My guess is that it is processed after both jsp:includes are already processed.

>  -------Original Message-------
>  From: Hasnain Badami <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  Subject: Panel Tabbed Pane
>  Sent: 14 Nov '06 12:55
>  Hi
>  I have written the following code:
>  <t:panelTabbedPane
>  styleClass="levelOneTabbedPane"
>  width="100%"
>  bgcolor="#FFFFCC"
>  activeTabStyleClass="levelOneActiveTab"
>  inactiveTabStyleClass="levelOneInactiveTab"
>  activeSubStyleClass="levelOneActiveSub"
>  inactiveSubStyleClass="levelOneInactiveSub"
>  tabContentStyleClass="levelOneTabContent"
>  serverSideTabSwitch="true"
>  id="pDetailTab"
>  >
>  <t:panelTab label=" #{messages['snapshot_view']}" >
>  <f:subview id="tabportfoliodetailsnapshotview"
>  rendered="#{tabIndices.portfolioTabIndex==0 }" >
>  <jsp:include page="portfoliodetailsnapshotview.jsp " />
>  </f:subview>
>  </t:panelTab>
>  <t:panelTab label=" #{messages['time_series_view']}" >
>  <f:subview id="tabportfoliodetailtimeseriesview"
>  rendered="#{tabIndices.portfolioTabIndex==1}" >
>  <jsp:include page="portfoliodetailtimeseriesview.jsp " />
>  </f:subview>
>  </t:panelTab>
>  <t:tabChangeListener type
>  ="com.prytania.model.backingbeans.PortfolioDetailTabManager" />
>  </t:panelTabbedPane>
>  There are two separate backing beans each for the
>  portfoliodetailsnapshotview.jsp and portfoliodetailtimeseriesview.jsp. At
>  a single point in time, the tabIndices.portfolioTabIndex can either be 0
>  or 1 which means either  portfoliodetailsnapshotview.jsp and
>  portfoliodetailtimeseriesview.jsp should be included. But in the logs, I
>  can see the code of both the backing beans being executed (constructors
>  being called),. Why is that so? If the rendered attribute equals to false
>  why would the framework still include the jsp. Is there any solution to
>  the above mentioned problem. I mean if rendered is false then the included
>  jsp should not be processed.
>  Thanks in advance
>  Best Regards
>  Hassnain

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