Hi group,

i have a very special question concering the validation messages.
In my special case, i have to put the myfaces-jars to the tomcat-endorsed dir (please don't ask why - its a long story). I figured out, if thats the case, myfaces is not able to load the resources and jumps out with a NullPointerException : the classloader is null. Since the javax.faces.validator._MessageUtils tries to load the bundle with the 'facesContext.getClass().getClassLoader()' which is null, for some reason. There are several other approachs to load the bundle then, by catching a MissingResourceException, but thats not the point here, there occured a NullPointerExcpetion.

I've commentet out all the stuff and load the bundle simply with :


without any special classloader and it works for me. :-)

If some can explain this i would very appriciate...




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