But no modelUpdate phase is went through, and the backing bean binding value is 
not changed. If commandLink submit values like commandButton does, there should 
be a 
  modelUpdate phase to update values. Thanks,

David Chandler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  CommandLink does submit all values in the enclosing form just like 
commandButton unless you're using immediate=true and specifying the outcome in 
the action attribute like this:

            <h:commandLink value="Edit" 
                immediate="true" />


David Chandler
Development Coach

  On 12/7/06, Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:    Inside a form, there is an 
inputText and a commandLink. When a user clicks the commandLink, can the value 
in the inputText be submitted at the same time? The reason to use commandLink 
instead of commandButton is that commandLink can have params. 
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