Second on that.  I was struggling with some of the concepts with the
commandLink and whatnot, and missing the days of struts where I'd just stick
an href with an id attached to the query string.  Then it was like somebody
slapped me in the face.  You can still do that, if you want to.  Its just
that, when you read a JSF book, they give you the examples with the new
components and not the plain old href's.  I'm trying to find the happy
medium, but I have found myself doing a mix as my first large app nears

On 12/11/06, Roger Keays <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Andrew Robinson wrote:
> Almost all of your issues relate to web pages that are information based
> instead of form based. If you are not submitting data, you should
> consider using all outputLinks instead of commandLinks. That way your
> pages will be bookmark-able and have the ability to open in a new
> window. If you must use commands on non-data data positing events, then
> use redirect set to true to make sure the URL of the browser is updated.

I think people coming to JSF get so swamped with lifecycles, validators,
converters etc that they forget you can always just put in an ordinary
<a href="">, or even a plain old <form method="GET"> if you want.

Heck, just make all your pages static HTML and get the default servlet
to serve them.

> As for the browser back button, it has always worked for me in JSF with
> server side state saving and should work fine with client side state
> even better, what MyFaces version are you using?
> Double form submission: this is not a framework issue, it is a user one
> and an HTML one. There are many ways to "fix" this, like disabling the
> button on click, disabling the form after submit, a phase listener that
> "counts" submissions and skips the validation & update phases if a
> repeat post, etc.
> having multiple copies of a page/service in different browser
> This is not an issue, why is it for you? Just avoid session scope. Use
> request scope plus <t:saveState> or use the JBoss-Seam conversation
> state (which is per window).
> -Andrew
> On 12/10/06, *Adam Koprowski* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>         Hello,
>       Approximately one year ago, together with my colleague, we had to
>     make a decision what technology to use for the development in some
>     project of ours. At the time, after quick investigation, we came up
>     with the idea of using J2EE, that is EJB + JSF. Let alone the EJB
>     but let me share with you some thoughts that I have about JSF after
>     this year of work with it.
>       Below you will find a mixture of features (that I would expect any
>     decent web framework to support) and problems (that I would expect
>     any decent framework to solve and let developer not worry about it).
>     Here we go:
>      -) use of browser back button,
>      -) page bookmarking,
>      -) double form submission (by double user click),
>      -) opening link in new browser tab/window,
>      -) having multiple copies of a page/service in different browser
>     tabs/windows
>       Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think all of the above pose
>     some (lots of?) difficulties in JSF. And I know that some of those
>     are not easy issues (like browser's back button) but personally I
>     think this list is way too long...
>       I don't really know any alternative web frameworks so I cannot
>     compare but is it really that the developer has to deal with all of
>     those issues on his own? Or are there frameworks where one does not
>     need to worry about those irritating problems and can concentrate on
>     real development... and JSF is just too immature to provide that? I
>     know this is not a myfaces specific question but I decided to post
>     this provocative question on this list as I'm curious about your
>     opinion guys...
>       Best wishes,
>        Adam Koprowski
>     --
>     =====================================================
> <>
>     The difference between impossible and possible
>     lies in determination (Tommy Lasorda)
>     =====================================================

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