On 12/14/06, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 12/14/06, Aneesha Govil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was looking for information on JBoss Seam and posted a thread on the
> JBoss Seam forum. I would like you to see [1]. I do not understand why they
> have such an opinion. What are your thoughts on this?
> Does anybody have any experience on using tomahawk on JBoss? Any
> tips/pointers on whether anything might go wrong?

Did you try what Gavin suggested ("search this forum") in the thread you

The Tomahawk implementors have made some decisions that I wouldn't choose
myself (example:  why should saving state be something that the *page
author* does with <t:saveState> instead of letting the application
developer, or the framework he/she is using, take careof it?), but the best
source of information on real problems would seem to be people who have
tried the combination and found issues.  It seems like there are more than a
few such threads in the JBoss Seam forum archives.


Well, I did some research and what I could find was mostly configuration
problems. People were trying to find out how to configure tomahawk but
asking for help on the Seam forum instead of here. Gavin says they do not
recommend using tomahawk, with or without Seam. So I suppose it is not an
issue just with the combination but with tomahawk itself?


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