The selectOneMenu binding object is null. And this is my code:

Here is the dataTable:
<t:dataTable id="datalist" width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" columnClasses="defaultCol" headerClass="tableHead" style="cursor:pointer; vertical-align:top" rowClasses="zebraTableContentOdd,zebraTableContentEven" rows="20" value="#{packageLines.packageLineList}" var="packageLine">

In the dataTable there is a column. As you can see, there is a binding for the selectOneMenu:

           <f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="#{message['lineAllocation.tableColumn.productionLine']}"></h:outputText>
<t:selectOneMenu id="lineSelector" validator="#{packageLine.validateLineSelection}" value="#{packageLine.selectedLine}" binding="#{packageLine.oneMenu}">
             <f:selectItems value="#{packageLine.productionLineItems}" />

The selectOneMenu is declared as:

import org.apache.myfaces.component.html.ext.HtmlSelectOneMenu;
private HtmlSelectOneMenu oneMenu;

public HtmlSelectOneMenu getOneMenu() {
   return oneMenu;

 public void setOneMenu(HtmlSelectOneMenu oneMenu) {
   this.oneMenu = oneMenu;

And heres the validation method:

public void validateLineSelection(FacesContext context, UIComponent component,
         Object value) {;

The problem is, that the oneMenu Object is null. I need access to each SelectOneMenu object of the table, because I have to check the selected client values.

Any hints what I have done wrong?


Simon Kitching wrote:
Hi, I have a t:selectOneMenu in a t:dataTable. The dataTable consists of wrappers, which has the selectOneMenu bound to:

private HtmlSelectOneMenu oneMenu

I want to check for all oneMenu as a double match isn't allowed. To compare the selected values I must have access to the oneMenu object. But this is always null. So I can't use the getOneMenu().getLocalValue() method to access the clients value in the validator.

Does anybody now what I have done wrong? Or is this a bug in the dataTable?

I'm having trouble understanding what your setup is. Please post the relevant fragment of JSP, and any relevant java code.

Cheers,  Simon

  • binding [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    • Re: binding Simon Kitching
      • Re: binding / selectOneMenu in dataTable [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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