Hi David,

Thanks for a quick response. I changed the way encoding is done to what you 
have suggested.
I have overridden the getRendersChildren method to return true so that 
encodeChildren of this custom component will only get called.

However if you look at the code of HtmlNavigationMenuRenderer - renderer for 
<t:panelNavigation2> you will find that getRenderesChildren will return true. 
This means that in the method that you have provided following will happen:

Note: There is only one child HtmlPanelNavigationMenu for this custom 
component. This component in turn has many HtmlCommandNavigationItem components.

1. child.encodeBegin gets called
2. child.encodeChildren gets called
3. child.encodeEnd gets called.

Child component passed is HtmlPanelNavigationMenu.

Unfortunately nothing changes. Problems persist the way they were.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Delbecq [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 03, 2007 7:24 PM
> To: MyFaces Discussion
> Subject: Re: <t:panelNavigationMenu2> does not work properly when added
> programmatically- Any help
> En l'instant précis du 01/03/07 14:17, Madhav Bhargava s'exprimait dans
> toute sa noblesse:
> >
> > Hi All,
> >
> >
> >
> > In the encodeBegin method of this custom component the
> > <t:panelNavigation2> component is constructed programmatically.
> >
> >
> >
> > In the Renderer for this custom component encodeBegin looks like:
> >
> >
> >
> > checkState(context, component);
> >
> > super.encodeChildren(context, component);
> >
> > //Call encodeChildren on all the child components of this component
> >
> > List children = component.getChildren();
> >
> > if (null != children) {
> >
> >             Iterator childIter = children.iterator();
> >
> >             while(childIter.hasNext()) {
> >
> >                         UIComponent childComponent =
> > (UIComponent)childIter.next();
> >
> >                         childComponent.encodeChildren(context);
> >
> The above line is suspicious. If you want to handle yourself your
> component's child rendering process, you must do it more cleanly. Most
> component don't render their childs by themselve. Most probably, your
> call to encodeChildren() only do a partial work, explaining difference
> you get.
> Here is an example code i use when i need in a custom rendered to manage
> myself rendering of childrens:
>     private void encodeChild(FacesContext context,UIComponent child)
> throws IOException{
>         if (!child.isRendered())
>         {
>             return;
>         }
>         child.encodeBegin(context);
>         if (child.getRendersChildren())
>         {
>             child.encodeChildren(context);
>         }
>         else
>         {
>             for (int i = 0;i< child.getChildren().size(); i++)
>                 encodeChild(context,
> (UIComponent)child.getChildren().get(i));
>         }
>         child.encodeEnd(context);
>     }
> Just call this method when you need to render one of your childs.
> don't forget to override the getRendersChildren() and encodeChildren()
> of your custom component btw.

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