You want '3' as inital value?

just set it:

Public class MyBean{

   private int probability = 3;




2007/1/18, Wong, Emmanuel (Sam) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


            Could anyone tell me how to display a specified drop down list
value?  Let say will would like to display "3:Medium" instead of other drop
down value.  Please see below.  Thanks.

For example:

On the JSP:

< tc:selectOneChoice

                  value= "#{

                  required= "false">

                  <f:selectItems value="#{ MyClassController.probability}"

            </ tc:selectOneChoice >

On the Backing Bean:

public class MyClassController{

      private MyBean myBean;

      public SelectItem[] _probability;

      public SelectItem[] getProbability() {

            SelectItem[] selectItemArry = new SelectItem[4];

selectItemArry[0] = new SelectItem("0" , "");

            selectItemArry[1] = new SelectItem( "5", "5:High" );

            selectItemArry[2] = new SelectItem( "3", "3:Medium" );

      selectItemArry[3] = new SelectItem( "1", "1:Low" );



Public class MyBean{

      Private int probability;

      public int getProbility()


            Return probability;


      Public void setProbility(int probility)


            This.Probility = probility;



 Dennis Byrne

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