
The Java Web User Group (JAVAWUG, LONDON) is holding a web framework
BOF 24 at Skills Matter's offices in London on 19 Feb 2007. At the
moment we have
representatives for RIFE, Spring MVC, and standard API. Hey! If someone
to rock the house with Struts 2 or Wicket demos and ``represent'' their
to the fullest then come on down. We always need more people!


Also an impromptu Birds of a Feather at The Fire Station pub in
This is a Directional/Futures Meetup for the JAVAWUG, but you are very
to join for a couple pints of ale or so on Monday 29th January 2007


Have fun. Get ready to rumble!

Peter Pilgrim, JUG Leader, 
JAVAWUG (The Java Web Users Group) [e] 2004 
:: http://jroller.com/page/javawug/ ::
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