There is a component which is a part of sandbox now.
Go to:
s:selectItems - is developed by Cagatay and Mert.
It will accept Integers as well.

Try it out. This is what was needed in the first place. f:selectItem in its
current form is not to my liking.


On 1/25/07, Mike Kienenberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The value can be anything you like if there's a converter.
If there's no converter, then the value must be a string.

You can either explicitly force the converter for that input to be an
IntegerConverter, or, if the setter for the value binding is of type
int or Integer, I think it will automatically use the

Posting your page code and your accessors would be helpful if this
information isn't enough to solve your problem.

> Hello
> In f:selectItems in get a strange exception.
> Must the value property of type String? This is a bit strange
> because in the examples also
> value of type Integer is allowed. I think it should also be
> allowed.
> Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Value is no String
> and component _idJsp0:_idJsp1with path: {Component-Path : [Class:
> javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot,ViewId: /sellarticle.jsp][Class:
> javax.faces.component.html.HtmlForm,Id: _idJsp0][Class: javax.faces.
> component.html.HtmlSelectOneMenu,Id: _idJsp1]} does not have a
> Converter
>         at org.apache.myfaces.shared_impl.renderkit.RendererUtils.
> getConvertedStringValue(
>         at org.apache.myfaces.shared_impl.renderkit.RendererUtils.
> getConvertedStringValue(
>         at
> renderSelectOptions(
>         at
> internalRenderSelect(
>         at
> renderMenu(
>         at org.apache.myfaces.shared_impl.renderkit.html.
> HtmlMenuRendererBase.encodeEnd(

When I tell the truth, it is not for the sake of convincing those who do not
know it, but for the sake of defending those that do

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