
the modalDialog component uses the dojo js-lib dialog widget. Any js
related problems can not be solved by myfaces developers, they are
only dojo-related. Maybe you can find help with this issue on the dojo

Apart from this, it maybe an issue you can live with; i also use the
modalDialog in an application and it works very well.

The current sandbox snapshot with the dialog component is deployed here:


If you click on "searchOuterForm", the dialog accomplishes the same
usecase as you have with the form. Seems to work there.Have a look at
the source of the example, maybe it can assist.

What you mean by unable to enter? Are the input fields hidden, or
disabled? Does the post not happen?



On 1/31/07, Joshua Pheneger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

My company is evaluating myFaces as the UI framework for a large upcoming
project and I am having a couple of issues:

1. When I display a modalDialog, I am able to scroll the page down
endlessly.  The dialog repositions itself, but portions of it are outside of
the viewable space on the page.  It seems that the getScrolling javascript
function that gets added to the page upon rendering does not account for
reaching the bottom of the page.

   <h:outputLink value="#"

    <h:outputText value="Scroll View" />
    <a>Tab View</a>
  <b:modalDialog dialogId="DialogContent" dialogVar="dojoDialog"
   dialogAttr="bgColor='white' bgOpacity='0.5' toggle='fade'
   hiderIds="cancel1" styleClass="dojoDialog">
    <!-- // Main Content -->
    <h:panelGrid columns="1" id="hiderId">
    <b:commandButton id="cancel1" forceId="true" value="Cancel"
       onclick="dojo.widget.byId('DialogContent').hide();" />

2. When creating a dialog that will act as a form, I am unable to enter text
into the input field.

  <b:modalDialog dialogId="TripDatesDialogContent"
   dialogAttr="bgColor='white' bgOpacity='0.5' toggle='fade'
   hiderIds="cancel2" styleClass="dojoDialog">
    <input type="text" name="something" value="myvalue" id="newdates"
    <b:commandButton id="cancel2" forceId="true" value="Cancel"


Any assistance you can provide will be greatly appreciated and will be taken
into account when evaluating your product.

Joshua Pheneger


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