Madhav Bhargava <Madhav_Bhargava <at>> writes:
> I have a couple of questions:
> 1. How will you handle back button?
> 2. How will you stack navigation? In the web app that I am developing
> there are multiple ways in which you can come to a page.
> 3. Say if I have a breadcrumb shown on a particular page (Home >>
> Functionality 1 >> Functionality 2). Now I click a link on the left menu
> which takes me to a totally different functionality, so now the bread
> crumb should look like - (Home >> Functionality 3). How are you taking
> care of this?

Dear Madhav,

do you have some answers to all these interesting questions ?

I need also to create a breadcrumb like you describe and to prepare a navigation
stack manager...

best regards

Marc Amir-Tahmasseb

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