I have just gotten done attempting the same thing.  I am using Myfaces,
Tomahawk, and facelets for am existing project. I wanted to use Trinidad as

I was unsuccessful in getting them to play nicely.  At first there was an
issue with dashes ("-") in component IDs  I believe Trinidad uses component
IDs as javascript variables and that was causing errors.  After changing
those I found that there is a bug in tomahawk (bug #777) in the
<t:dataScroller> that caused issues with Trinidad.  If you do a search you
will find other bugs related to tomahawk and Trinidad.

The breaker for me was that my dataTable uses the attribute
"forceIdIndexFormula" and the value uses "-" in its name.  Trinidad was then
using that as a javascript variable name and caused many errors.

When I get a little time I am going to investigate this more, and see if I
can help out the cause.  I think that these two libraries are powerful and
would be great together.

If you learn anything more, or see issues with my findings please let me


On 1/31/07, Costa Basil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Just to be precise, in both my messages when I said myfaces I meant
myfaces core + tomahawk. I extensively use tomahawk in my project.

I am looking to use some of the trinidad components,  and I want to know
which versions of myfaces core & tomahawk trinidad is compatible with. I
found this link but it doesn't specify trinidad:


*Costa Basil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:

Which version of myfaces is compatible with the current Trinidad snapshot?

Thanks again
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