After I dug up more, I think it is because of bloody node toggle state cookies! 
The nodes toggle statuses are saved under a cookie with the same name as the 
tree id. If I use the same id in two different pages then they get mixed up. 
And this is what happened to me.

I could not find though where is the cookie value set when the tree is 
rendered. Shouldn't the cookie value be set when the tree is encoded in order 
to reflect the structure in the memory?

Costa Basil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hi:

I have this odd problem with tree2 which started to occur after I upgraded to a 
Tomahawk 1.1.5 snapshot, a few weeks ago.

My tree contains a root with 37 children, each of these children having one or 
two other children. 

When I display the page I expand all the nodes programmatically by calling 

In my page I have:

                  <t:saveState value="#{bean.treeData}"/>

                  <t:tree2 id="tree1"
                           var="node" varNodeToggler="t"
                           clientSideToggle="true" >

treeData  is a TreeModelBase object.

Now, the problem is that after I post back to the same page, some of the nodes 
are collapsed. The first 16 root children are expanded, the rest are collapsed.

Has anyone seen this?


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