On 3/1/07, Simon Kitching <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I believe it is (see my earlier reply), and that all the javascript is
doing is ensuring any garbage left behind by h:commandLink tags is
cleaned up (hidden fields _idcl and _link_hidden_).

Ok, but that doesn't explain the JavaScript for an input of type submit.
From what I understood so far, the commandLink copy some values to hidden
fields before triggering the form submit. So by clicking a submit button,
those hidden fields shouldn't have any values...

Your comment is a little rude; constructive criticism is fair, but
accusations of incompetence are not.

Sorry for sounding rude, I'll try to do that better.

I guess it came from my frustration with JSF in general: While the
programming model is great, I don't like the "output" JSF produces. While
that may be acceptable for prototyping and intranet application, I wouldn't
want to have that on a public website. My understanding of JSF and MyFaces
is still too small to really understand why that is necessary or how it
could be improved.

This may be for compatibility with various browsers. Have you tested
your proposed alternative against IE5, IE6, IE7, Firefox, Opera and

From my experience the trick is to just check for window.property when
checking for a global variable (instead of typeof property...). I haven't
seen a case where that doesn't work, though I don't test reguarily in

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