I haven't used facelets, but I use clay.  There was recently a problem
on the shale mailing list sort of related to this.  I guess way back
in myfaces 1.1.1 component ids were generated in sequence per-request.
The internal sequence was always reset even after a view restore.
Post 1.1.1 it seems the ids were stored with the view.  So they would
be reclaimed instead of regenerated on a postback (when the view was
restored before render).  Now, with JSF 1.2 the ids are now generated
by the the container for JSP tags implementing JspidConsumer (JSP
2.1).  I am not sure if myfaces 1.1.5 uses this technique?

Anyway, the latest clay is overloaded to handle these 3 component id
techniques.  So the version of myfaces + the version of clay is very
important in diagnosing the issue.  I would think this might be the
same for other view handlers like facelets.  I would make sure to put
both library versions in your JIRA issue.

You might also want to check out SHALE-418 just in case these issues
are related.

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