Hi Madan,

which implementation/version of jsf did you use?

afaik your last version should work with myfaces 1.1.5 and tobago

But to be future proof i suggest to use Tobago.addEventListener() or
Tobago.bindAsEventListener() instead of prototype.js:Event.observe()
because we are going to remove prototype from tobago.


2007/3/8, madan chowdary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Hi All,

Please help me over this .... I am in real need of this functionality and my
project deadline is ahead.

Thnx in adnvace,


----- Original Message ----
From: madan chowdary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: MyFaces Discussion <users@myfaces.apache.org>
Sent: Wednesday, 7 March, 2007 1:01:50 PM
Subject: Re: [ Tobago ] Regarding PopUp's

Hi All,

After debugging this thing , at last was able to get the popup on mouseover
with the help of prototype.js.

The code is as such

            <tc:link label="View Cart Contents" id="viewCartContents"
                <f:facet name="popup">
                    <tc:popup width="620" height="300"
                        <tc:box label="Cart Summary">
                            <f:facet name="layout">
                            <f:facet name="toolBar">
name="popupClose" value="immediate"/>
                                <tc:sheet id="checkOutSheetPopUp"





label="#{bundle.quantity}" id="number" sortable="false" align="center">
value="#{cartItem.quantity}" id="p_quantity" />

label="#{bundle.productName}" id="prdName">
value="#{cartItem.item.productCode}" id="p_code"/>
                                        <tc:out value=" - "
value="#{cartItem.item.productName}" id="p_name"/>

label="#{bundle.unitPrice}" sortable="true" align="right">
value="#{cartItem.listPriceForQuantity}" id="p_unitprice"

converter="CurrencyConverter" />

label="#{bundle.extTotal}" sortable="true" align="right" >
value="#{cartItem.quantity * cartItem.listPriceForQuantity}" id="Ex_Total"

converter="CurrencyConverter" />

                Event.observe(window, 'load', initCartSummary);

                function initCartSummary(){




                var delayhide = null;

                function viewCartContents()
                    if (typeof delayhide!="undefined")

                function showCartContents(){
                    delayhide =

                function showCartContents_mouseOut(){
                    if (typeof delayhide!="undefined")

Used Event object in prototype.js to observe the id for <tc:link> , and when
mouse over then fire this action "
'page:cartSummary:viewCartContents') "

When clicked on the link, captured the event by "click" option.

Both the ' popup when mouseover ' and ' page navigation when clicked on the
link ' are working fine.

But was facing an issue like as such
-- When the mouse is placed on viewCartContents link, was able to get the
-- After closing the popup and click on any other link in the page( say top
navigation links) the page is being refreshed , so i have to click again to
go to my desired page which the link refers.
-- This makes me to click twice on the link.
-- when removed the action attribute in <tc:link> for viewCartContents, and
place the mouse, close the popup and then click on the top links, then was
able to navigate to page which it refers.

Y does this page refresh occures after i close the popup and click on other

how could i solve this issue ?


----- Original Message ----
From: madan chowdary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: MyFaces Discussion <users@myfaces.apache.org>
Sent: Tuesday, 6 March, 2007 1:14:27 AM
Subject: Re: [ Tobago ] Regarding PopUp's

Hi All,

Was trying to debug the application for popup when placed mouse over a link
with  JavaScript, but its a bit tedious to go through the JavaScript Ajax
frameworks and achieve this task.

Can u guyz please suggest me how to proceed for this case...

And i am desperately waiting for onMouseOver  attribute in <tc:link/> to
display the popup that i had when clicked the link...


----- Original Message ----
From: madan chowdary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: MyFaces Discussion <users@myfaces.apache.org>
Sent: Saturday, 3 March, 2007 12:33:20 PM
Subject: Re: [ Tobago ] Regarding PopUp's

Hi All,

Is there any means of doing this...

I am in real need of this functionality.

I tried using different JavaScript frameworks like Dojo, Yahoo UI framework.

But there rendering is causing some script problems when tested in FireFox
and IE, and even the Z-Index is differing for the DIV's .

I tried with a popup with <tc:link> .when clicked it would display the

Buts that's not my case, the popup should be shown when we place mouse over

if there is no mouseOver attribute for <tc:link/> it would be helpful for
these kind of situations .

Plz suggest me how to proceed to my case.

Thnx in Advance,


----- Original Message ----
From: madan chowdary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: MyFaces Discussion <users@myfaces.apache.org>
Sent: Tuesday, 27 February, 2007 11:57:38 AM
Subject: [ Tobago ] Regarding PopUp's

Hi All,

I need to display a popup which is shown when a user places mouse over a

My case is as such...

There would be a link, which on clicked will navigate to a page which has
the User Details.

Now when he places his mouse over the link, i need to show a popup which has
the same details as when shown when he clicks the link.

according to wht i know, the popup will be shown only when we click on the
link, but not on mouse over.

Is this could be done with mouseover function ?

Thnx in advance,


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