Hello Bernd,

I was using filter, now I have switched to tobago-fileupload.jar as
you suggested.

Now in my logs I'm getting:

the request was rejected because its size (258792409) exceeds the
configured maximum (69206016)

if I try to upload too large file.

So, I guess there is no nice way to simply get validation error if the
file size exceeds the one set in web.xml, am I right? I can just set
some large hard limit and set desired limit on tc:validateFileItem? Or
am I missing something? I can't use <error-page> for the exception, as
I have to stay with the form in which I have tc:file tag.

Thanks for help,

On 17/03/07, Bernd Bohmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello Michael,

how do you configure fileupload in tobago?
I assume the Filter.

The prefered option is tobago-fileupload.jar. This jar generates the
error messages inside the faces lifecycle.
The filter throws an exception outside the faces lifecycle.
Both filter or jar have a hard limit (See configuration options in faq).

With the validator you can configure some other validation after the
file is downloaded.



Michał 'Gandalf' Stawicki wrote:
> Hello,
> When I try to upload too large file, I simply get an exception. Am I
> missing something? I would like to stay on the same page / get some
> validation error. On my JSP I have:
> <tc:file
> value="#{clientManagedBean.newOrderControler.attachmentsController.fileItem}"
> tip="Wprowadź nazwe pliku"
> id="fileAddBrowse">
> <tc:validateFileItem maxSize="10485760" />
> </tc:file>
> regards,
> michael

GG: 3691111

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