<tc:tabGroup id="myTab" state="#{myController.tabState}"

                        <tc:tab label="tab1"
                                <tc:form id="myform">
page="/menu/tab1.jsp" />

                        <tc:tab label="tab2"
rendered="#{myController.showtab}" >                            
                                <jsp:include page="/menu/tab2.jsp" />


If you see the rendered="true" or "false" for showing or not showing the
tab.. I used Tobago.  Don't if this would help.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 12:10 PM
To: Wong, Emmanuel (Sam)
Subject: RE: How to disable a Tab

Hi Wong,
You said you made it render.
Please If you don't mind could you please help me with a piece of code.
My question is
 I have few tabs in jsp page. I am using tomahawk for creating tabs.
 say I have x,y and z tabs.If I click tab x then tab y should be

Wong, Emmanuel (Sam) wrote:
> I made it as render.

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