Hi Conway!
> Does Orchestra require you to use Spring?
Yes, parts of it.

Some reasons are:

*) Defined way to create a custom scope, means, in your spring config
you can configure your beans with 'scope="conversation"'
*) Aspects. They are used to solve the ORM stuff and use cases where
e.g. you'll end a conversation in the mid of a request (aop:scoped-proxy)
This allows you to directly use a conversation scoped bean as JSF
backing bean and gives you a way to deal with JSF component bindings if
you need them in your backing bean if its in a scope broader than
request (e.g conversation/session etc).

Beside of the Spring configuration which you can copy from the examples
you do not have to learn much about Spring.

Do you have to deal with Hibernate or any other ORM mapper?


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