> > The second is to wrap every hidden field rendered by the jsf-impl with
> > a div-Element.
> While this sounds really weird. Can you quote the HTML spec for this
> requierement?

I had someone else tell me that the requirement is that all input
elements must be wrapped in a div, so I've heard about this one
before.   It seems likely that this will be allowed by the JSF
renderkit spec, but you'll need to doublecheck the link I sent.

Encode behaviour for renderer type javax.faces.Text:

Render the clientId of the component as the value of the "name" attribute.
Render the current value of the component as the value of the "value"
attribute. If the "styleClass" attribute is specified, render its value as
the value of the "class" attribute.

There isn't mentioned anything about a wrapping div.

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