Ah.. Shawn, the value you are missing isn't taken from a message bundle is it?

There was a question on this list a month or so ago about using an EL expression to get a value from a message bundle. The f:loadBundle tag currently only works in the "render" phase, and does nothing on restore-view. This means that any EL expression referencing the message bundle will return null during postback processing.

This isn't normally a problem; messages from message-bundles are normally used just to output text. However if for some reason anyone tries to reference one in the postback (eg from a t:updateActionListener or t:aliasBean) then it won't currently work.

And as noted earlier in this thread, prior to myfaces 1.1.5 an f:attribute was evaluated once only and the result of the expression stored as the parent component's attribute. In 1.1.5 and later the *expression* is now stored and evaluated each time it is used. And of course the *first* time the f:attribute is encountered is during a render phase. So if you use an f:attribute to access a message bundle, then it would work in pre-1.1.5 because it evaluates once (during a render phase) and stores the resulting string. Even when that attribute is fetched during a postback phase it will be there. However since 1.1.5 it will be the *el expression* that is fetched and evaluated - so the message-bundle is not loaded so the expression will evaluate to null in the postback phase (and will work fine in the render phase).

The fix is probably to update the f:loadBundle tag to reload the bundle during the restore-view phase.



Ernani wrote:
I have the same issue here, just upgraded and it is missing all parameters
for messages.

Please let me know if you figure it out how to resolve this problem.
Otherwise I will have to downgrade the MyFaces version.



Garner, Shawn-2 wrote:
I upgraded to 1.1.5 and now my phase listener can no longer get my
f:attribute attribute on a component (eg: <h:inputText>).

I iterate over the client IDs with messages by doing

I get the component by UIViewRoot.findComponent(clientID) and then try
to get the attribute by String fieldRef =

It worked before I upgraded.

Can somebody help me?


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