You may extend the NonFacesRequestServlet like in the tobago-example-nonfacesrequest.



Madan Narra schrieb:
Hi All,
I have a doubt which may / may not be related to Tobago , but its sure that its related to JSF. I have a cron job running on UNIX platform , which is scheduled to perform a specific operation. Previously the job calls a URL with a parameter passed to the Servlet , something like this " http://localhost:8080/myApp/helloWorld?command=xxxyyy"; . Based upon the request parameter "command" the code is executed in the servlet. Now i need to perform the same action but with the managed beans as now we were using JSF (Tobago) I am not able to guess how to achieve this... * Have to implement the logic in Managed Beans and not in Servlet's. Any suggestions ... ? --
Madan N

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