On 5/9/07, Kevin Irmscher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

is there any documentation available about the structure of MyFaces,
especially about MyFacesGenericPortlet. I'm looking for an overview
how the JSF lifecycle is mapped to the portlet lifecycle, sequence
diagrams and so on.

From what I've seen of the source code this is the mapping:

Portlet  Action Phase
   Restore view
   Apply request values; process events
   Process validations; process events
   Update model values; process events
   Invoke application; process events

Portlet Render Phase
 Restore view (conditional depending on whether or not an action was performed)
 Render response

It gets the initial view id from portlet.xml.  Also, it (used to?)
transfer the facescontext between portlet action and render using the
portletsession and also keep the facescontext around between requests
in the session (1.1.1).  I overrode this behavior to only keep the
view id in session between requests and released the facescontext post
render.  IMHO not releasing the facescontext after Portlet Render is a
potential problem.

I couldn't find this information on the web. Can
anybody provide references to literature or other sources. I haven't
understood all the details while looking at the source code.


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