
We were thinking about adding a favIcon attribute to tc:page, which would in turn render a <link rel="icon" ...> element into the HTML header. Additionally the ResourceServlet has to be extended to support the .ico extension and map it to the content type "image/vnd.microsoft.icon" or "image/x-icon". Because this handling is missing you currently get the warning below.

This is a fairly easy change and could be added to the next release. Can you please add a feature request to JIRA?


Cort, Tom wrote:

I'm using tobago-1.0.10 and working on creating a new theme. I'd like to
include a favicon.ico file ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Favicon ), but I'm
having trouble figuring out where to put it. Putting it in the theme's image
directory doesn't seem to work...

10:11:54,783 WARN  [ResourceServlet] Unsupported file extension, will be
ignored for security reasons.

Is this something that needs to be fixed in tobago (i.e. add the ".ico" file
extension to tobago's supported file extension list), or is there a better
place for the file?

Tom Cort
Systems Developer
Vermont Department of Taxes

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