Juan Ignacio Sánchez Lara schrieb:
I've already dealt with Dojo optimizing via searchIds, it really makes a difference. I've used Dojo only at "client side", but now I want to make custom JSF components to make developing faster. I will give jMaki another try, but if I finally desist I'll make a component with this code (I don't use facelets). I've had some problems integrating some components with RichFaces (I've tried both jMaki and Blueprints Dojo's DropdownCalendar but they won't work inside RichFaces tabs :-\ ). I must try also wiki's suggestion on MF + Ajax4JSF <http://wiki.apache.org/myfaces/AJAX4JSF_and_MyFaces>.

Thank you very much!

I am not too familiar with jmaki, but if you want to stay at the pure jsf side of things and you use tomahawk already

apply this code simply to a t:inputText replace the generic ids and values with real ones and use forceId = true you are basically set (dont forget to push the javascript into verbatim as needed)

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