Juan Ignacio Sánchez Lara schrieb:
> I have a working JSP, but when I include  <t:dojoInitializer /> or
> <t:dojoInitializer require="dojo.widget.DropdownDatePicker" />, Internet
> Explorer tells me "Internet Explorer can't open the site <url>.
> Operation cancelled" ("Internet Explorer no puede abrir el sitio <url>.
> Operación anulada"). I've tried it with both IE 7 and 6. Firefox loads ok.
> Any ideas??
Only one...
if you use xhtml in combination with a <base href=".." /> tag
if you replace that one with a <base href=".." ></base> it should work.
Somehow the combination of this tag and dojo tag parsing causes ie in
every version to choke.

I hope this solves your problems,


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