You should look at Clay in the Shale project. This is a piece of cake using 
symbols in Clay.

-----Original Message-----
From: Rønnevik, Eivind [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2007 2:24 PM
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: Change valueBinding of t:dataTable based on condition



I was just curious, is there any way I can change the value of a dataTable 
based on different conditions?


I'll try to give a simple example to explain what I want. :)


Let's say I use the graphicImage tag, in the value property I could either 
write the path to the image

<t:graphicImage value="/images/myImage.gif"

Or I can use an expression that returns a String pointing to the image

<t:graphicImage value#{myBean.pathToImage}"


I have the need of using the same jsp twice, but based on a boolean property 
the datasource for the dataTable on this page would differ.


Theoretically, this way of setting the value-property would represent what I 
would want to do:


<t:dataTable value="#{myBean.boolean ? '#{oneBean.dataModel}' : '#{ 


This would work if the value property expected a String, but instead it expects 
an expression that directly points to a collection of some sort.


I also tried to point to a method in my bean that returns the correct 
value-string based on the Boolean:


<t:dataTable value="#{myBean.tableValue


where the getTableValue-method is like this:


public String getTableValue()



                  return "#{oneBean.dataModel}";

            return "#{anotherBean.dataModel}";




But of course this fails since the dataTable expects a collection and not a 




I know that I in my getTableValue-method can return the proper collection:


public DataModel getTableValue()



                  return getOneBean().getDataModel();

            return getAnotherBean().getDataModel();




but then I would have to set the references to these other beans, and I can't 
do that because it would cause a cyclic reference.. 


So, are there other solutions to this or do I have to rethink my way of doing 
this? :)





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