How does this compare to validateRegExpr in Tomahawk, particularly if
it becomes a validator instead of a component?

On 6/6/07, William Hoover <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Point well taken! The component should extend UIXInput instead and renamed 
CoreInputMask. Are you are proposing to change this into a validator or 
converter instead of a component extension? If it was to use a 
converter/validator at what point would it append the JS event calls 
(onkeydown, onblur, onfocus)? As of yet it does not address server-side 
validation, but it would be fairly easy to implement. Currently, using the 
example of a (999)999-9999 mask, and an input of (415)555-1212 the bean would 
see exactly what the user input i.e. (415)555-1212 If a converter/validator was 
to be used it would be simple enough to strip the mask characters. I would 
assume that it would be best to have this as an option because it may be 
desirable to maintain the mask?

-----Original Message-----
From: Adam Winer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2007 12:03 PM
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: Re: [Trinidad] Input Text Format That Uses A Mask

A few and questions:
- Generally speaking, we don't extend CoreInputText, we just
  re-extend UIXInput.  The metadata system supports "includes"
  for generation, so you don't have to cut-and-paste that much.
  One good reason, in this case, is that I assume that this
  component doesn't support <TEXTAREA>, just <INPUT> -
  so you don't want "rows" or "wrap".
- I'd love to see this as a converter or validator tag that can be
  added to an ordinary af:inputText.  We'd need a bit of beefing
  up of our client-side code JS framework for validators, but
  that'd be worthwhile.
- What's the server-side model look like?  E.g., when you
   have (999)999-9999, does your bean see strings like
   (415)555-1212, or do you get 4155551212?  Is there server-side
   validation to double-check the mask was applied?
- If this is a component, I think CoreInputTextMasked might
  be clearer, if the property is named "mask".

-- Adam

On 6/6/07, William Hoover <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks for the info Adam!
> The component (CoreInputTextFormat) logic is fairly simple and could be directly integrated into the CoreInputText, if desired. 
It extends CoreInputText and adds two extra PropertyKeys: "mask" and "clearWhenInvalid". The "mask" 
attribute designates the pattern for which will be used to prevent invalid characters at the specified slots. For Example, 
(999)999-9999 would be displayed as (___)___-____ allowing only numeric values to be entered where underscores are present (see 
examples below for a more detailed overview). The "clearWhenInvalid" is an option to clear the contents (onblur) of the 
input field when it does not meet the mask pattern requirements- default is currently true. The only other logic contained in the 
component is used to make the JS calls: onblur, onfocus, and onkeydown. The client script is contained in a namespace called 
"CoreInputTextFormat" so none of the functions will interfere with other Trinidad scripts (as you suggested in TRINIDAD-37 
it would be nice if we had a Trinidad namespace that could register component level namespaces!). It does however add a prototype 
extension to RegExp to allow RegExp.escape(someText) preventing recompilation of the escape expression. That is it! I don't think 
there is a significant amount of code to warrant a CLA (client script under 200 lines, component logic is trivial). Let me know what 
your thoughts on all of this!
> Mask Individual Character Usage and Reserved Characters:
> 9 - designates only numeric values
> L - designates only uppercase letter values
> l - designates only lowercase letter values
> A - designates only alphanumeric values
> X - denotes that a custom client script regular expression is specified
> All other characters are assumed to be "special" characters used to mask the 
input component
> Examples:
> (999)999-9999
>         only numeric values can be entered where the character position value 
is 9. Parenthesis and dash are non-editable/mask characters.
> 99L-ll-X[^A-C]X
>         only numeric values for the first two characters, uppercase values for the third character, 
lowercase letters for the fifth/sixth characters, and the last character X[^A-C]X together counts as the eighth 
character regular expression that would allow all characters but "A", "B", and 
"C". Dashes outside the regular expression are non-editable/mask characters.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Adam Winer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2007 7:09 PM
> To: MyFaces Discussion
> Subject: Re: [Trinidad] Input Text Format That Uses A Mask
> Roughly speaking, you:
> - Create an issue on JIRA
> - Attach a patch
> - If it's a significant quantity of code, file a CLA
> It's also generally a good thing to talk over the
> design first.  I'd thing it'd be great if this were part of
> the client-side validation code, instead of just its
> own code.  I think getting this issue fixed:
> ... would be important for that.
> I'd love to see this functionality!
> -- Adam
> On 6/5/07, William Hoover <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > Hello all,
> > I have created a Trinidad component that allows input text boxes to have a
> > user defined mask for entries on the client (similar to Atlas MaskEdit
> > <>). I
> > would like to know what the process/procedure is to commit this component to
> > the sandbox?

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