Got it!!

I had to replace the type of the model in the backing bean this way:

addresses = new ListDataModel(); // part of the JSF-API


addresses = new SortableModel(); // from tomahawk-lib

Thanks anyway for help, Michael

Andrew Robinson schrieb:
"Then i post back to page A"

Add a Thread.currentThread().dumpStackTrace() in the set method of
your sort property, perhaps that will shed more light.

FYI, I always write my own sort code and don't rely on the component
to sort (only to notify me when the user clicks on the header), so if
you are letting the component auto-sort your data, that could be a
completely different issue.

On 6/10/07, Wyder, Michael (GMX) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Unfortunately this suggestion didn't solve the problem.

To better describe my problem:

Page A has the following content (natural order):
Id      Name
--      ----
1       Ziggy
2       Aaron

Then i sort the content by "Name":
Id      Name
--      ----
2       Aaron
1       Ziggy

Afterthat i choose for example the row with Id 2 to show the details
(page B). Then i post back to page A. In this page i expect that the
content is still ordered by "Name". But thats not the case, the content
is displayed in the "natural" order (by Id) again.

Do you habe any ideas for this behavoir. Page A and Page B are backed by
the same bean which has session scope (the content is not reloaded after
during the request from page A to B and inverse).


Andrew Robinson schrieb:
> Set preserveSort to false as that will make the component attempt to
> store the sort state instead of letting the backing bean (in this
> case) store it.
> On 6/8/07, Wyder, Michael (GMX) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi
>> I have 2 jsp's. Page A is the list which can be sorted, the other page B
>> is a detail page who shows detail of one entry from page A. My problem
>> is, that the choosen sort is not preserved: I do some sort on page A,
>> then i navigate to page B. Afterthat i navigate back to page A and i see
>> that the sort of the list is reseted to the default sort. Any ideas?
>> Both pages are backed by the same bean, which has session scope.
>> I made some debug and saw, that the entries in the DataModel in the
>> backing bean never change its order, even if i do some sort.
>> Here the declaration of the datatable:
>> <t:dataTable
>>         var="address"
>>         value="#{adresseServiceBean.addresses}"
>>         sortable="true"
>>         sortColumn="#{adresseServiceBean.sortColumn}"
>>         sortAscending="#{adresseServiceBean.sortAscending}"
>>         preserveSort="true"
>>         renderedIfEmpty="false">
>> Thanks for help!
>> Michael

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