
2007/6/15, Madan Narra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Hi Volker,

The change facet for <tc:in/> with renderedPartially set to the command has
to call a feature via Ajax and display its result to the User in the same
sheet.This Ajax request does not invoke any methods that interact with DB

The defaultCommand functionality is used to update the List with the values
set in <tc:in/> and update that in DB...

so i would be needing both these features...

So you need both commands executed on enter?
Than you should rename the change facet to somthing undefined and add
a change eventListener in the init method.

>if your sheet is loaded via ajax or has paging/sorting enabled you
>must invoke the init function via tc:out escape=false.
>Also the initial value for row needs  to passed to the init function then

yes, the sheet is loaded via Ajax.. but how can do i invoke init function
via <tc:out/> ?

<tc:out escape="false"
     value="<script type=\"text/javascript\">initOnEnter(...)</script>"/>


I have used a new variable which gets iterated each time a new row is
created and passed that to the init function.

Is it possible to have this case satisfied ? or else i have to think for an
other alternative..

Thnx for ur reply

Madan N

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