
extendig subject... where I can find documentation about EL language


2007/6/28, Christopher Cudennec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Hi David,

try this EL-Expression:

rendered="#{not empty yourCollectionName}"



David Delbecq schrieb:
> Hello,
> i'm facing an issue with EL in JSF. I have a collection of items. I want
> to render them as a table header followed by content (using tomahawk
> datalist). However, i'd like to skip full table rendering if collection
> is empty or null. Problem is that collections in java do not follow the
> getters mecanism (size instead of getSize). Are there clean suggested
> ways to do it, or will i have to create a pseudo map that does the trick
> (rendered ="#{pseudoMapBean.size[bean.someCollection] >0}") ?
> Thanks for suggestions.

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