Problem solved painlessly with a tr:showDetail.

Sorry for the unnecessary post.

On 6/28/07, Francisco Passos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Just realized that the detailStamp facet serves exactly this purpose.

I'm going to try it out.

On 6/28/07, Francisco Passos < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Good afternoon.
> I'm trying to get a particular component to render conditionally (with
> PPR) inside a tr:table. Not having it work though.
> I've tried a first solution without partialSubmit nor partialTriggers,
> which works but without PPR.
> This is my current attempt, where I added two commandLinks to the column
> where I want the component to appear / disappear. Plus, I want to start out
> with the component not rendered (on the first try). I really do not need to
> do this with commandLinks if you tell me there's a better way.
> Here it is:
> <tr:table value="#{myBean.attributes}" var="attribute"
>         rows="20" rowBandingInterval="1"
>         partialTriggers="tableShow,tableHide">
>     <tr:column>
>         <tr:outputText value="#{attribute.attributeName}"/>
>     </tr:column>
>     <tr:column>
>         <!-- visibility controls -->
>         <tr:commandLink id="tableShow" text="Show data" action="#{
>}" rendered="#{not attribute.visible and attribute.hasData}"
> partialSubmit="true" />
>         <tr:commandLink id="tableHide" text="Hide data" action="#{
> attribute.hide}" rendered="#{attribute.visible and attribute.hasData}"
> partialSubmit="true" />
>         <tr:table value="#{attribute.attributeData}" var="attributeData"
>                 rendered="#{attribute.hasData and attribute.visible }"
>                 rows="10" partialTriggers="tableShow,tableHide">
>             <tr:column>
>                 <tr:outputText value="#{attributeData.xvalor}" />
>             </tr:column>
>         </tr: table>
>     </tr:column>
> </tr:table>
> For debug purposes (and although I intend the opposite), I'm starting
> out with visible components. When I press "Hide data", nothing changes in
> the browser but this appears in the logs:
> 28/Jun/2007 17:15:49
> WARNING: Could not find partial trigger tableHide,tableShow from
> CoreTable[UIXFacesBeanImpl, id=_id124]
> Surely there's a more standard way of doing this?
> --Francisco

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