
2007/7/9, Andrew Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

JBoss-Seam has built in support for captcha in 1.2.1

On 7/9/07, Alexander Wallace <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We did, I guess you could say using jsf cuz it is shown in a jsf form...
> We used a servlet, that uses a session variable to store the captcha
> text and generates the image, in jsf we used a graphicImage
> component... (<h:graphicImage url="/Captcha.jpg" />  ) .... The
> managed ben reads the text from the session variable and compares it
> to the input box where the user entered it...
> The captcha servlet we used is the nl.captcha.servlet.CaptchaServlet
> get the simplecaptcha.jar from
> That's about it!
> Hope that helps!
> On Jul 9, 2007, at 10:36 AM, Stefano Panero wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > how could I implement a captcha with jsf?
> >
> > Does anybody integrated something like jcaptcha?
> >
> > Thanks.

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