Quick suggestion:
        var="entry" >
            <tr:inputText value="#{entry.prop1}  id="prop1">
                <my:NotNullIfOtherNotNull others="prop2,prop3,prop4"/>
            <tr:inputText value="#{entry.prop2}" id="prop2" >

as for the content of the cutsom my:NotNullIfOtherNotNull, i suggest you
look at code of "validateEqual" in tomahawk, that check 2 component
value are same. You can do similar thing with null.
That way, non need to limit your check to the use of a UIData.

En l'instant précis du 20/07/07 12:56, Graeme Steyn s'exprimait en ces
> Hi,
> I have a <tr:table> component that is displaying rows from an
> ArrayLIst containing instances of class X.  I would like to introduce
> a validator that checks that if information is entered for any
> property, then all properties must be populated for that row.  ANy
> rows that have no data entered or all data entered are thus valid. At
> present I have the arrangement provided below, but I appear to be
> getting the instances of X from the original collection, rather than
> the table components local values.  Thus when the view is first
> displayed, I can enter data in row 1 cell 1 and press next to invoke a
> POST back and the validation.  Using the debugger, I find that the
> first iteration through the loop returns an instance of X, but without
> the posted back data (everything is null).  I do not appear to be
> getting at the local converted value.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Thank you,
> Regards,
> Graeme.
> PS.
> I came across a related query located at
> http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/myfaces-users/200608.mbox/[EMAIL 
> I am trying to avoid binding as the user will be able to add and
> delete rows within my datatable, so I was hoping to keep things flexible.
> public class X {
> private String prop1;
> private String prop2;
> private String prop3;
> getters/setters...etc
> }
> ====================
> class BackingBean {
> Collection <X> collection = new ArrayList <X> ();
> etc
> }
> ====================
> <tr:message for="validateRows" />
> <tr:table
>         id="tblx"
>         value="#{bean.collection}"
>         binding="#{bean.coreTable}"
>         var="entry" >
>         <tr:column>
>             <tr:inputText value="#{entry.prop1} />
>         </tr:column>
>         <tr:column>
>             <tr:inputText value="#{entry.prop2} />
>         </tr:column>
> :
> :
> etc
> </tr:table>
> <tr:inputHidden id="validateRows" value="dummy"
> validator="#{bean.validateRows}" />
> =====================
> Will only catch the first invlaid instance in the table - the
> validation message appears at the table level rather than per row.
>     public void validateEntriesComplete(FacesContext facesContext,
>             UIComponent uIComponent,
>             Object object) throws ValidatorException {
>         UIXCollection uixCollection = (UIXCollection) coreTable;
>         int oldRowIndex = uixCollection.getRowIndex();
>         for (int rowNum = 0, numRows = uixCollection.getRowCount();
> rowNum < numRows; rowNum++) {   
>             uixCollection.setRowIndex(rowNum);
>             X instancex = (X) uixCollection.getRowData();
>             if (!instancex.isAllPropertiesSet()
>             && instancex.isAnyPropertySet()) {
>                 FacesMessage message = Messages.getMessage(
>                         Constants.LOCALIZATION_RESOURCE,
>                         "IncompleteRecord", null);
>                 message.setSeverity(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR);
>                 throw new ValidatorException(message);
>             }
>         }
>         uixCollection.setRowIndex(oldRowIndex);
>     }


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