Wolf Benz schrieb:
> Hi Zied, 
> I went to a conferencce last month(JavaOne afterglow in Brussels) but
> what they were showing was JavaFX as a Swing replacement, not for the
> web. I'm not saying it's impossible/not planned - just that I've never
> seen any code/demo for it. Or any integration initiative. (FX & JSF e.g.) 
> At first impression, it also seems quite verbose. (to my taste at least)
> -Wolf 
JavaFX is basically Suns answer to Silverlight, they somehow were caught
off guard by Microsoft although Microsoft never made a secret out of it
that they were working on something which should replace flash and html
in the long run (and should lock users into windows - yes I know there
is the Mac implementation and Mono but I rather doubt those two will
survive in the long run if Silverlight really makes inroads, remember
the Unix and MacIE?)

JavaFX as far as I understood started as a project by one of the Sun
guys which was a small flash replacement which sits on top of the applet
mechanism. It was lingering on Java.net for quite a while, then
Silverlight came, and Sun promoted JavaFX big time, without still having
solved the main deployment problems of the JRE for applets :-(

I dont give it too much future, although I really like javafx, it simply
 is too late, and having a non deployable runtime does not help either,
also the rather late 2008 date for the kernel vm which should resolve
most deployment issues is rather late, given flash already is
everywhere, and silverlight simply will be bundled with windows in the

I am the last one who wants to be stuck with the dreadful ajax dhtml
programming model, but as long as we cant get all parties to agree
properly on a good vendor neutral standard we are stuck.
Or in other words, the web was fun and used to work until Microsoft
wanted to take over.

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